Coronavirus Update - June
We are BACK!!!
As of June 1st, operations at Health For Life have resumed. Initially for the first week we are only open to current clients and there will be no group classes so that we can adapt to the new health, hygiene and safe-distancing standards.
Box-Fit will resume Saturday June 6 but is now an appointment only session so that we can control the numbers of people that are present (currently we have set that at 12 people). Please contact Lauren (text is best) on 0452 151 521 to book your place. There is no booking fee.
Now that we have re-opened there are a few important rules we have in place to ensure the safety and health of yourself and others:
If you have been sick, are sick or been in contact with someone who is sick or who has just come back from overseas, please do not enter the studio.
Please bring your own towel and water bottle. We have clean, fresh towels available and a water cooler but your own personal items are best. Also, you are welcome to bring your own mat with you for further hygiene measures.
When entering Health For Life, please either wash your hands at the sink to the left as you enter the front glass doors or use the hand sanitiser on the shelving to the right as you enter the studio.
During a session, your trainer will wipe down all equipment that you touch so please do not return anything to its storage position until it has been cleaned.
Aim to give people around you 1.5m space. Your trainer will plan your session accordingly and will also maintain distances from others whilst the session is active.
Everything will have been cleaned before you begin your session. If you happen to sneeze or cough, please do so into your elbow or towel and re-sanitise your hands. There are tissues available throughout the studio.
We are excited to get up and running again but we appreciate your patience as things change a little to our new norm of extra cleaning and hygiene practices. If we all follow the above guidelines, we can all get back to our training in a safe and healthy manner.
Coronavirus Update - May
We hope you are all surviving and thriving in these tricky weeks.
We just wanted to provide a quick update for you all after the Prime Minister announced the easing of restrictions last Friday. Now we have some specifics as they apply to QLD. As of today (Monday 11th May), the QLD Government’s “Roadmap to easing restrictions” states that as of:
15th MAY - Friday night this week, Outdoor Bootcamps and Group Fitness and Personal Training may be undertaken with a maximum of 10 people*
12th JUNE – Gyms and fitness centres/studios will be allowed to open with maximum 20 people*
* Both of these also require the standard social distancing rules (1.5m apart) and hygiene rules, respiratory hygiene and equipment cleaning/disinfecting.
For our Group classes (Excluding Box-Fit until Studio re-opens), we will be in contact with you - re: the online training v outdoor training – and for our Personal Training clients, we will also contact you individually to discuss our current options.
At Health For Life, we know that once the studio opens, we will be able to maintain high levels of hygiene, as we were prior to lockdown, be able to prevent or restrict anyone who is sick from entering, be able to contact trace anyone and everyone who enters due to being a “booking only” facility and also we can strictly control the number of people in the studio at once. We are working hard to introduce some new initiatives to the studio to facilitate this even further and new training options that specifically integrate social distancing and hygiene practices.
We thank everyone for their support of our business during this time be it messages of support or ongoing online training. We know everyone is being affected by this in one way or another so we really do appreciate the contact and support we have had.
Coronavirus Update - March
Health For Life Fitness and Rehabilitation is committed to the health and hygiene of its members and staff.
As a fitness facility, our daily routine has always involved a large focus on hygiene and cleaning. Now that society is focused on hygiene and cleanliness more than ever, at Health For Life we have doubled and tripled down on our practices and routines.
Our current hygiene and cleaning involves:
Preventing those coming in and training who are in any way sick or feeling under the weather, have had close contact with anyone who is sick or those who have recently arrived from overseas.
Providing a hand-washing facility with an air dryer before even entering the studio
Compulsory use of hand sanitiser when entering and leaving the studio.
Providing dis-infectant and paper towels next to cardio equipment for use immediately after getting of equipment
Wiping down all other equipment, bars, poles, balls, machines, handles, doors and foam rollers with anti-septic wipes before, during and after sessions depending on requirements
Spraying down mats and disinfecting the air and air-con intakes with Glen 20
Whilst we do provide fresh, clean towels, we recommend people bring their own clean towels or use during their session
Providing plastic gloves and boxing inners for use if desired by the individual.

As a boutique facility and the small number of people <10 inside the studio at any one time, we are able to control the hygiene and cleanliness of the studio very tightly.
We are paying close attention to the Health Department and Government recommendations and should anything change, we will adjust our business operations accordingly and inform all members.
Finally, good hygiene and health is everyone's responsibility, so please follow our practices above. If you feel or know that you are someone who is at risk of having the infection or signs and symptoms of it, please do not come to the studio. Please call and inform us and we will make an appropriate plan of action from there.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via email or phone.